Friday, December 27, 2019
Training and Development - 737 Words
Training and Development Week 6 Steve, There is a huge value to have a mentor program. Benefits of a Mentor Program provide opportunities for the employees to... * Explore the world of work through interaction with professionals. * Familiarize them with corporate protocol. * Identify long-term professional development needs. * Realize the value of networking. * Develop a meaningful professional relationship over a specified period of time. With developing a mentor program it gives one way of formalizing the relationship between individuals in a professional way. Mentor programs offer a structured setting in which to develop beneficial one-on-one relationships between employees and the professionals. Acting†¦show more content†¦Businesses should ensure that top management is involved in the program and in its inception, otherwise it won’t get the attention and enthusiasm it needs to become part of the business culture ( As we organize the mentor program, we will first want t o develop some basic guidelines. Who will be eligible to participate? How long will the mentor relationship last? How will students and professionals be matched? We will have an individual be designated to coordinate the program. This person can hold an office such as mentor coordinator, mentor director, or chairman, mentor programs. A committee also may be formed as needed to assist the coordinator in implementing the program. Enrollment forms should be developed for those interested in participating. Mentors will usually be assigned for a specified amount of time such as one semester or one academic year. The time period should be decided in advance and communicated to potential mentors so they understand what their time commitment will be ( Once established, the mentor committee or coordinator we will: Establish requirements for participation in the program and create enrollment forms. * Must be a current employee * Be willing to commit to mentor program for a period of time Establish specific mentor activities and guidelines. * Mentors must communicate with managers at least once everyShow MoreRelatedEffects of Staff Training and Development3086 Words  | 13 PagesRESEARCH PROPOSAL TOPIC: EFFECTS OF STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SECRETARIAL STAFF IN AN ORGANIZATION A Study to be carried out in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology department of National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) and department of department of Research Management Directorate (DRMD) 0. INTRODUCTION 1. Problem Statement Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skillsRead MoreThe Development And Diversity Training Program2356 Words  | 10 Pageshave updated their training, education process and has made it accessible for all types of staff that will allow employee’s better advancements, work-life balance, and a flexible training process. This will help to position technology-based organization a training application and will continue a learning advancement. An organization has become a global with their businesses, they start to become more complex with cultural diversity and training. 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Advancement: This movement centers upon the exercises that the association utilizing the individualRead MoreTraining and Development784 Words  | 4 PagesTRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT â€Å"Training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills,abilities and knowledge to an employee.†Training and development is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning,usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. WHAT IS TRAINING ? Training is concerned with imparting developing specific skills for a particular purpose.Traning isRead MoreTraining and Development1208 Words  | 5 PagesDevelopment and Training Paper Training and development programs are introduced to organizations to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. In addition, development and training programs are essential for an organization to successfully train and educate their employees. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
, Symbolism, And Themes In The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery, is a realism story that was written for the main purpose of entertainment. Jackson writes about a small village that gathers every year for an event they call â€Å"The Lottery†. Every head of households comes up and draws a slip of paper from the box. Bill Hutchinson draws the first slip of paper with the black dot but Tessie Hutchinson quickly exclaims the lottery is not fair. Mr. Summers then puts five slips of paper back into the box, one for each of the family members, and has them all draw out a single sheet. To determine who will be stoned. When they open their slips, they find that Tessie has the slip with the black dot. Everyone in the village then begins to stone her to death. Throughout the story,†¦show more content†¦The villagers also act very nonchalant about the entire ordeal. Summers has a pleasant name, which matches his description as â€Å"a round-faced, jovial man†. Mr. Summers is the mayor of the town a nd also runs the coal company. When a person thinks of summer one generally thinks of pleasure and happiness. His name is ironic because his job is contradicting to these thoughts. Summer is in charge of the killing of a villager, which barely seems pleasurable. As the plot progress some of the characters make ironic statements. There is a passage about the Watson boy drawing for him and his mother, which can be understood as his father was the one who was killed last year. One voice from the crowd says â€Å"Good fellow, lack†and another says â€Å"Glad to see your mother’s got a man to do it.†These two statements make it sound like Jack is a warrior, and his father was not a man because he was sacrificed to the lottery. Another ironic statement is made by Tessie after her family was chosen. She says â€Å"It wasn’t fair†referring to her husband drawing the piece of paper with the black dot. It is ironic that she is the only one who sees that the lottery really is not fair and is eventually killed because of it. The black box of which the pieces of paper are drawn out of represents the tradition of the lottery and the unreasonable loyalty of the villagers’ to the tradition. The black box is worn andShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Symbolism In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson960 Words  | 4 Pagesshall be purged with death. The beauty of this world is just a mere mask to hide its monstrosity.Tear off its mask and you shall be bestowed upon the gift of the cruelty of this world. Shirley Jackson’s short story the â€Å"Lottery†illustrates the character Tessie Hutchinson as a figure of symbolism as it leads to the theme that the norms of society isolates those who are a victim of labels and expectations because they decorate the origins of sins therefore premonition of the ruin to some extent becomesRead MoreGreat Theme of Symbolism in the Short Story, The Lottery, by by Shirley Jackson1033 Words  | 4 Pagesthe short fictions read in the Grade 11 English curriculum, The Lot tery by Shirley Jackson is by far the most important story read because of the theme, the characters and the symbolism. The Lottery is a story about a community, who every year draws the lottery for someone in the village. A lottery is often associated with positive things such as prizes, and money, however, this story has a twist; whoever gets the black marked lottery ticket is stoned by the community people as it is a long traditionRead MoreAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson993 Words  | 4 PagesSpanish author, When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. Shirley Jackson was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. She is most well known for her short story titled â€Å"The Lottery†which was first published in The New Yorker to overwhelming and mixed reviews. The lottery, as portrayed in the short story, is a religious, annual ceremony in the afternoon of June 27. This event is said to be olderRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson910 Words  | 4 PagesL iterary Analysis of the Short Story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson explores the subject of tradition in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. A short story is normally evaluated based on its ability to provide a satisfying and complete presentation of its characters and themes. Shirley describes a small village that engages in an annual tradition known as â€Å"the lottery†. Narrating the story from a third person point of view, Shirley uses symbolism, foreshadowing and suspense to illustrateRead MoreLiterary Elements in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson1334 Words  | 6 Pagesshort story, â€Å"The Lottery,†by Shirley Jackson communicates this theme by showing how the villagers participate in a lottery every year. In life, there are people who follow tradition because the have to, or they are used to following without question. The author, Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, California. In 1937, Shirley Jackson attended Syracuse University where she began to write short stories. She was famous for the short story, â€Å"The Lottery,†and her best sellerRead MoreSymbolism in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Essay example1173 Words  | 5 PagesWhen most people play the lottery today, they think about having wealth. Generally, people who win are happy about it whether they win one dollar or a million. The lottery in our society has grown to support education and it is often worth several million dollars. Usually, the winner of the lottery gains a lot of recognition for the money they win. But what would happen if there was a small town where people held a yearly lottery in which the â€Å"winner†was the member of the town who was not sacrificedRead MoreThe Unexpected Surprise of Violence1009 Words  | 5 Pagesvalued once risks are taken, but the outcome is never expected. Shirley Jackson, reader of witchcraft books, horrifies people with her perspective on the understanding of merciless rituals that kept communities at ease. Shirley Jackso n develops her theme of unexpected violence in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†through the use of irony, symbolism, and denouement. On a summer day in a small town in the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson takes advantage of the peaceful environment and adds a convolutedRead MoreThe Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Analysis876 Words  | 4 PagesUrsula K. Le Guin and â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson address the theme of religious and traditional symbolism.†The Lottery†demonstrates how something that seems so perfect on the outside isn’t all that great on the inside. Symbolism shows the reader that there is a deeper message within the diction. â€Å"The Lottery†addresses the theme more successfully than â€Å"The Ones Who Walked Away from the Omelas†with the greater use of religious and traditional symbolism. The symbolisms in â€Å"The Ones Who Walk AwayRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Essay878 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Espinoza English 1302-5003 Professor Johnson June 22, 2015 Research-Based Argument Essay Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†Born on December 14, 1916, in San Francisco, California, Shirley Jackson was an American author whose novels and short stories are still relevant today. Jackson grew up in California and moved East with her family when she was 17 years old. She began her college career at the University of Rochester, withdrew for one year to practice her writing skills at homeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Lottery By Shirley Jackson1220 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Lail April 27 2016 The Unlucky Winner â€Å"The Lottery†is a short story written by Shirley Jackson in late June of 1948. Jackson was born into a middle class family and her parents are Leslie Jackson, who was a stay at home housewife, and Geraldine Jackson, who was an employee of a lithographing company. Jackson loved to write in her early years, as a child she would always write poems and always kept a journal. Although Jackson spent her first few years in California, around her teenage
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The structure of the poem is v... free essay sample
The structure of the poem is very important. Each sentence has hidden meanings to be interpreted by the reader. Dickinson uses capital letters for specific words throughout the entire poem to draw in the reader to these specific words, it gives them emphasis and shows that they have significance to the poem and its meaning. She also uses dashes throughout to representing the speakers breathing. The dashes represent each breath as the speaker is taking her last breathes of life. The opening line of the poem starts off rather dull as she says I heard a Fly buzz (1). We would expect the poem to be sort of flat by reading this but then she quickly adds the effect of shock after a short pause where she says I heard a Fly buzz ? when I died (1). This informs the readers that this is her last moment of life before she died and this draws the reader in to read more. We will write a custom essay sample on The structure of the poem is v or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dickinson uses a lot of literary devices among the poem to add a meaningful effect. She uses a lot of repetition throughout the poem. She often repeats the words room and stillness as these words have a powerful effect because they show the lifelessness of the woman as she is slowly dying and analyzing her last moments. All of her sentences in the poem have some sort of hidden meaning. For example, And Breaths were gathering firm For that last Onset (6-7). This is an oxymoron onset meaning the beginning and last meaning the end. These two contradictory words represent the hidden meaning that even though the woman is dying and she is having her last moments there is some sort of eternal life that awaits her after death. The tone in the poem is very calm and lifeless as the speaker is dying. We can see that the death in this poem is painless. She gives death a sense of normality and that it should not be feared. She gives the message that death is inevitable and we must accept it one way or another. She shows how there is indeed some sort of afterlife once we all die. There is also some irony throughout the poem as she says that The way the poem is written leaves the readers with a lot of unanswered questions and room for interpretation. The narrator is in fact dead but is still speaking, this gives the reader the sense that the narrator could be possibly immortal or that immortality exists and we always have a state of eternal consciousness, dead or alive. The narrator explains her death and it mostly revolves around this fly. The fly represents some sort of expectation because she is awaiting her death and the only thing that isnt concerned or affected by her dying is this fly. The fly continues to live its life and doesnt stop flying for the dying woman. This shows how in life dying is a natural thing and even though it is tragic life continues to move on one way or another. The people in the room are affected by her dying but we see when she says the line The Eyes around ? had wrung them dry (5). They have already started to move on because they have cried all their tears that they had for this woman and are awaiting her death to arrive. They all remain silent and the only thing she can hear is this fly buzzing. We see that the death for the woman isnt painful as she has cut all her ties with the world around her, as Dickinson writes: I willed my Keepsakes ? Signed away (9). This shows how she is anticipating her death and she is ready for death to come. The fly could represent many things as well. The narrator says when the King Be witnessed ? in the Room ? I willed my Keepsakes ? Signed away What portion of me be Assignable ? and then it was There interposed a Fly (7-12). This part of the poem could be interpreted many ways by the reader. She could be saying how the fly somehow represents the King because the King was to be expected and then the fly shows up. I interpreted the fly representing the meaning of death. We know in life flies are drawn to death and are attracted to dead corpses so the fly could be a representation meaning that her body is already starting the decaying process which draws the fly to her.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Wegmans Food Markets v. Camden Property Trust
Introduction Climbing the top of the global charts for the most successful companies of the year is not an easy task, yet both Wegmans Food Markets and Camden Property Trust managed to land at the top fifteen. Belonging to different industries yet sharing a range of similarities, the companies can be characterized by a set of rather sensible HR strategies.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Wegmans Food Markets v. Camden Property Trust specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Incorporating their assets into their competitive strategies, Wegmans and Camden managed to attain impressive revenues in 2014 and integrate into the global market successfully, yet the organizations will have to consider shaping their HR strategies towards corporate social responsibility in order to maintain their quality standards. Industries Comparison Both retail and construction (real estate), which Wegmans and Camden correspondingly belo ng to, are considered rather prosperous industries. For instance, sales for retail reached $3.19 trillion, which is 3% higher than it was in the previous year (Annual Retail Industry Sales in the United States from 2000 to 2014 (in trillion U.S. Dollars) par. 1). In fact, as the graph below shows, the retail industry has grown significantly over the past decade in the United States. The phenomenon in question can be attributed to the development of the global market. Figure 1. Retail Industry in the U.S. (Annual Retail Industry Sales in the United States from 2000 to 2014 (in Trillion U.S. Dollars par. 1)) The same can be said about the retail industry. The increase in the amount of the U.S. population is obvious (); thus, retail industry must grow so that the increased demand of the U.S. population could be met.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Size According to th e statistical data, the size of the real estate industry makes approximately 945,500 employees (NAICS par. 1). The Products The retail industry is known for providing its target customers with products that are typically characterized as hard and soft goods, food and arts (). The real estate industry, in its turn, offers all kinds of immovable property, particularly, houses and flats for purchase, rent and lease. Services Apart from renting buildings, the real estate industry offers brokerage and property assessment, as well as research and rent. The retail industry, in its turn, has a rather scarce amount of services, delivery being the primary one. Customers Customers use the services of retail industries much more often than the ones of the real estate industry. The specified phenomenon is quite understandable, as the products such as food, clothes, articles of personal use, etc. Economic and Regulatory Environment In the United States, the retail industry is traditionally regula ted by the Retail Law and the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. Environmental protection Agency par. 1). The above-mentioned organizations define the quality of products to be supplied to the end customer and, therefore, determine the quality standards for the retail companies working in the U.S. environment. As far as the real estate industry is concerned, the latter is governed by the Real Estate and Property Law (Real Estate Law par. 1), as well as local laws specific for each state. Companies’ Analysis Mission According to the official statement issued by Wegmans Food Market, the organization’s mission concerns maintaining sustainability (Wegmans Food Market par. 1). Camden Property Trust, in its turn, aims at â€Å"making the country a better place to live†(About Us par. 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Wegmans Food Markets v. Camden Property Trust specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page L earn More The specified goals can be viewed as adequate for the industries that the firms operate in. Moreover, the mission statements provided above show that both companies are willing to satisfy all stakeholders involved, which clearly makes both firms competitive in the target markets. Vision Unlike Camden, whose vision involves promoting sustainable use of resources, Wegmans aims at a much more global outcome. Particularly, the company uses an American proverb as its vision statement in order to convey the idea of harmlessness and sustainability: â€Å"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children†(Caroll and Buchholtz 133). Values Wegman’s values align with its vision; much like the latter, they are also rather vague, including commonplace statements such as â€Å"caring,†â€Å"high standards,†â€Å"making a difference†and â€Å"respect†(Wegmans 3). Camden’s values, on the contrary, are ra ther distinct and very direct, involving the concern the above-mentioned concept of empowerment. Therefore, it seems that Wegmans could use a better set of values, which could be directed at its core stakeholders directly. Core Business Wegmans traditionally defines people as its core business (Holtom, Mitchell and Lee 316). The specified statement is quite reasonable in the light of the fact that the company values its every single stakeholder and puts an equally strong emphasis on its staff and its clients. Camden, in its turn, makes it quite clear that environmental awareness and sustainability are the business practices that constitute the basis of the company’s operations (About Us par. 1). Consequently, Camden is focused on the community rather than on individual stakeholders. Promoting a Competitive Advantage Wegmans Food Markets Learning is the basis for creating a competitive advantage in the organization (), which is a rather reasonable concept of an HR strategy. In stead of viewing its HR resources merely as labor force, the company invests into its staff by promoting learning in the organization and enhancing the significance of personal and professional evolution. Camden Property Trust – Employee Relations Cadmen is known for its unique corporate philosophy, which promotes the concept of a people driven environment, which encourages team players to â€Å"work smart†(Empowering People par. 6) in an outcome oriented production process. The specified strategy, though being based on a variety of other approaches, needs to be promoted as the organization’s core advantage, as it builds the environment, in which the company members trust each other.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Addressing the Current HR Issues Human Capital Management Recognizing the value of human resources is an essential step that a company must make in order to attain success in the global market. In other words, both Wegmans and Cadmen must consider the idea of investing into their staff. Particularly, incentives and official acknowledgement of the staff’s success is likely to increase employee satisfaction significantly and, thus, boost their performance, which, in its turn, will raise both companies’ competitive advantage. Corporate Social Responsibility Once introduced into the framework of an organization, the principle of corporate social responsibility will allow the leaders of the companies to promote corporate values to the staff in a more efficient manner and, therefore, motivate employees for better performance. Conclusion Wegmans and Cadmen reached the position of the most successful organization as a result of their flexibility in the competitive strategy and elaboration in the use of the organization’s human resources. Despite overlooking some of the benefits that the HR strategies suggested above have to offer, both Wegmans and Cadmen have located the approach that suits them perfectly and allows them to keep all stakeholders satisfied. Works Cited About Us 2015. Web. Annual Retail Industry Sales in the United States from 2000 to 2014 (in Trillion U.S. Dollars) 2015. Web. Caroll, Archie and Ann Buchholtz. Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning, 2014. Print. Empowering People 2015. Web. Holtom, Brooks C., Terence R. Mitchell and Thomas W. Lee. â€Å"Increasing Human and Social Capital by Applying Job Embeddedness Theory.†Organizational Dynamics 35.4 (2006): 316– 331. Print. NAICS. 2015. Real Estate Sales Brokerage in the US: Market Research Report. 2015. Web. Real Estate Law 2015. Web. U.S. Environmental protection Agency. Basic Information. 2015. Web. Wegmans 2015. Web. Wegmans Food Market. We Dream Our Business. 2015. Web. This research paper on Wegmans Food Markets v. Camden Property Trust was written and submitted by user Lexi House to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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